Thursday, January 22, 2009

How to Find Good KSA Writers

By Chucky Bronson

When looking into getting a Federal jobs, you typically need to send two types of documents: a government resume, which is a resume that is exclusively designed for government jobs and KSA statements, which are short essays that must showcase that you have the right knowledge, skills and abilities for the job.

Just like government resumes, KSA essays must follow specific guidelines - whether its in term of format or content - and answer all the questions listed in the job announcement. KSAs should not be ignored as, in some cases, they have more importance than a resume to get an interview or even a job.

Because writing KSA essays is not only intricate but also requires being a great writer, most job seekers are now getting KSA writers to write their essays for them. Finding a great KSA writing service might not be simple when youre new to this and here are a few elements that will help you find a good KSA writing service:

First, a professional KSA writer should be certified, which will assure that they have the right credentials. There are quite a few types of credentials out there but with PARW, CPRW or NARW, you know you are in good hands as they are premier sources for certification.

Second, professional KSA writers should obviously be specialized in preparing KSA documents, Federal resumes and government job applications so that they know what theyre doing - this usually means that they took special classes and trainings on that subject.

Third, try to find out how many years of experience they have " the more, the better, as you wouldnt want to put your career at risk in the hands of a beginner! Also look for any type of data about the achievements they had. While a success rate is the best way to know they can indeed get results, also look for testimonials, comments, etc

Fourth, look at their turn over time. This is very important as, Federal vacancy announcements having deadlines, you want to ensure you will get your KSAs before the announcements close.

Finally check out their prices, especially as some companies charge outrageous fees for that service (its often the case when they dont show their prices on their website and make you call in for a quote). To give you an idea, you should not pay more than $150 for 5 KSA points.

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